
Nullarbor Couch is a great all-round couch grass. It produces a manicured lawn with an attractive luscious green colour and fine leaf blades.

Nullarbor Couch Grass is classed as a warm season grass.

Ideal for full sun

Needs 5-6 hours sunlight/day

One of the best features of Nullabor Couch is its ability to tolerate high foot traffic from people and animals, hence its popularity across both residential and sports landscaping projects such as football and cricket grounds.

Nullabor Couch has higher maintenance requirements than some other grass types

During winter, Nullabor Couch has low dormancy – this is when the grass is in a dormant state and the plant focuses resources on the roots. Consequently, it has an early start to growth after winter, and also has rapid recovery from wear and other stresses.

It’s best to apply a Lawn Solutions Australia recommended Fertiliser 2-3 times per year to maintain a dense vigorous turf sward.  Nullarbor Couch has good tolerance to broadleaf herbicides for weed control.

Drought Resistance: High
Shade Tolerance: Up to 25%
Wear: Very High
Maintenance: High
Leaf: Fine

Ensure your turf has the best start to it’s new home by purchasing our nutritious Underlay Soil and a bucket of Lawn Launcher.

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