Sir Grange

Sir Grange Zoysia is a stunning fine-bladed premium turf variety, with a beautiful dark green colour.

Sir Grange  is hardy and tough. It suits full sun situations and has high drought tolerance once established

It also has a high tolerance for foot traffic and wear, with excellent self-repairing capability once the root zone is established to a depth of 200mm & mnimal damage when scalped

Has your garden got areas of shade? Not a problem, Sir Grange Zoysia can handle it. Unlike some other common grass varieties that require full sun to thrive, Sir Grange has a very high tolerance of shady situations after establishment, needing minimal direct sunlight. Shade performance is maximised when wear in the shaded areas is minimal

High shade tolerance (needs only 3 hours of direct sunlight/day once established)

Requires up to 50% less mowing than other common turf varieties

Can be mowed at a wide range of heights

Requires 75% less nitrogen than other common turf varieties and in many cases will need little to no fertiliser at all.

Drought Resistance: Medium
Shade Tolerance: Up to 75%
Wear: High
Maintenance: Very Low
Leaf: Fine

Ensure your turf has the best start to it’s new home by purchasing our nutritious Underlay Soil and a bucket of Lawn Launcher.

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